From before Nestlé bought Rowntrees. Lids (orange, dark green, blue & yellow) had "Rowntrees" in raised letters outside. |
Send 10 tokens and 20p for Gruesome Greenie Money Pouch. Offer closed 31st December 1992. |
Just after Nestlé bought Rowntrees. Lids (same colours as last tube) all say "smarties" on the outside. |
This promotion offered a Smarties Zapper (electronic noise generator) for £0.30 plus 10 tokens. Offer closed 31st January 1994. Orange Smarties had lightning flashes painted on. |
10% Extra offer |
Missing Blue Smarties tubes (series of 9).
Clue 1: The robber doesn't have a moustache. |
Offer was 8 tokens plus 20p for Secret Message Pen.
Clue 2: To replace a letter of his name would be silly. |
Options: Dr Devious, Big Reg and Billy The Bonce
Clue 3: The robber is wearing a hat |
Pen writes invisible ink one end & reveals at the other
Clue 4: His mum calls him William. |
Pen came with hidden message: "Only Smarties have the answer!"
Clue 5: There are 13 letter in the robbers name. |
Tubes all had blue lids.
Clue 6: Could it be Nobbly The Lice? |
Offer closed 30th September 1994.
Clue 7: The robber isn't wearing a top hat. |
Clue 8: He shares the first letter of our missing colour. |
Clue 9: There are three words in the robbers name. |
First of a three tube set of "Limited Edition Designs" with Purple, Light Green and Light Blue lids. The blue lids haven't been seen since. |
Second in the above series featuring three ways of opening a packet:
punch it, unzip it, or rip it in half. |
Third in the above series. |
10% Extra offer |